561.876.8077 cpr@thehometrust.com


Design is inclusive.

Luxury is exclusive.

Design is comparative.

Luxury is superlative.

Design connotes parity.

Luxury connotes prestige.

Design sells services and objects.

Luxury marketing drives brand desire.

Design is dependent on someone writing or saying something nice about you.

Luxury is driven by marketing brand to HNW best prospects.

Design marketing is inbound; primarily social media that’s seen mostly by those already in your orbit.

Luxury marketing is outbound; increasingly hyper-targeted digital to stay in front of HNWIs.

Design attracts the top 10% who too often need a buddy to help them finish their home. Worse, their expectations and exposure to design is born from television. 

Luxury attracts sophisticated clients who value good taste, and trust the expertise of the professionals they retain.

Design thinks local.

Luxury thinks global.

Design is value engineered.

Luxury is finest quality.

Design is often fleeting in style and perishable.  New colors every year!

Luxury is classic and forever; good taste, not trends, drive aesthetic.

Design is led by what client wants or has already seen.

Luxury leads and enchants clients with a unique point of view.

The process of design is picking products with limited deference to a brand. 

Luxury is brand centric; DNA and narratives reinforce client’s values. 

Design is lower margin.

Luxury is higher margin.

Cost trumps design.

Brand validates cost.

Without brand desire and preference, firms and resources will compete on price with every furniture store, website, decorator, designer and anyone with a website.

Firms that leverage the luxury business model compete with no one. Their clients’ desire and preference for their brand drive success.

Please contact Chris Ramey at 561.876.8077 or cpr@thehometrust.com if you’re interested in transforming your firm.  

Luxury is not right for everyone – or even most.  But, if it’s right for you, it will dramatically change your brand.